Parent Resources

K-12 Registration and Enrollment

To learn about how to enroll your child in our school, please visit the District’s registration and enrollment page.

Preschool Registration

Please refer to this page for Earl Boyles Preschool information.

Food and Nutrition Information

Please refer to our District’s Nutrition Services’ website

Common Core

Visit this page for Common Core parent resources

Volunteer Opportunities 

Volunteer Handbook

Volunteer with SMART® (Start Making A Reader Today) from now until mid-May.

Food Benefits

You may qualify for the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Even partially qualifying can help you stretch your food dollar, and may also benefit other families in the David Douglas School District.

Here’s how: Schools that are Community Eligible can provide free meals to every student in the school. Schools become Community Eligible based on the number of families in the attendance area who qualify for SNAP. Five schools in David Douglas already qualify for Community Eligibility, and all students in those schools receive free meals. We hope to bring free meals for all students to all of our schools.

Applying for SNAP benefits online is easy. Follow this link to begin. If you need assistance applying, call 1-855-626-2050 Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm

Report to Parents Publication

Encourage Your Child’s Creativity to Flourish: View in Spanish  |  View in English