Philosophy of Expectations

The intent of the Earl Boyles Philosophy of Expectations is to share our belief statements around behavior and some of our systems in place to support your child’s academic and social emotional wellbeing. 

PBIS at Earl Boyles!

Earl Boyles uses Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to ensure our behavioral expectations are taught and reinforced in all common areas of the school (hallways, commons, arrival, dismissal, etc…) 

You’ve probably seen our PBIS posters that highlight our expectations all around our school.  We have a team of administrators, teachers, and classified staff that meet twice monthly to review discipline data, problem-solve ways to continue to strengthen positive behavior school-wide, and plan school-wide rewards. 

At Earl Boyles, we focus on four behavioral expectations that are positively stated and easy to remember.  Be Ready, Aware, Restore, Keep Safe- which stands for BARK!